Vintage Rugs

Explore our exquisite Vintage Collection, a curated selection of timeless treasures that capture the essence of bygone eras. Each piece in this collection tells a unique story, showcasing the craftsmanship and artistry of yesteryears.

Aradil Serenity Vintage Persian Rug - 2.05 x 2.95


Celestial Whispers Vintage Persian Rug - 3.02 x 4.13


Aurora Echo Vintage Persian Rug - 2.95 x 4.20


Aria Cadence Vintage Persian Rug - 2.12 x 3.15


Aurora Lullaby Vintage Persian Rug - 2.90 x 3.88


Celestial Dreamweave Vintage Persian Rug - 2.90 x 3.78


Aradil Melody Vintage Persian Rug - 2.13 x 3.14


Celestial Twilight Vintage Persian Rug - 2.40 x 3.45


Aria Serenity Vintage Persian Rug - 2.89 x 4.30
